The Children’s Reading Foundation

The foundation’s board of directors 

welcomed Janice Fox, Ed.D., as its newest 

member. Janice is a founding member of 

The Children’s Reading Foundation of the 

Upper Cumberland in Tennessee. She 

currently serves as the executive director of 

the Center of Regional Excellence for the 

Upper Cumberland Region, a division of 

the Tennessee Department of Education. 

As a state-level administra-

tor supporting 17 districts, 

I know the value of involv-

ing parents to maximize 

children’s literacy, numer-

acy and social develop-

ment from birth to age 5. 

This work is both urgent 

and attainable.”


Janice Fox 

A network of community-based chap-

ters of The Children’s Reading Foun-

dation exists throughout the country. 

The chapters are dedicated to ensuring 

that every child learns to read early and 

well, thereby reaching his or her full 

potential in school and life. Chapters 

help improve early childhood literacy 

in communities through messaging 

and programs. The focus is to motivate 

families and area residents to read 

with a child, as the most important 20 

minutes of every day.
The Children’s Reading Foundation 

local chapters are affiliates of the 

national office and can currently be 

found in 10 states. Chapters empower 

parents, schools, caregivers, and lead-

ers to vastly improve the future for all 

children in the communities served. 

During fiscal year 2016, two new 

chapters were formed in Tennessee: 

The Children’s Reading Foundation of 

Mid-Cumberland and The Children’s 

Reading Foundation of Southeast 

Presently, only 43 percent of third 

graders in Tennessee scored proficient 

or above in reading. Compounding the 

problem is poverty. In the state, about 

26 percent of children live in poverty, 

putting them at a greater disadvantage 

for a positive school experience. 
Both new chapters will support fami-

lies in the communities they serve by 

providing literacy and skill-building 

resources and solutions, including  

the READY! for Kindergarten and 

READ Up programs. 

Welcome, Mid-Cumberland and 

Southeast Tennessee Chapters 

Our Chapters

New Board Member